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performance axle builds delay

Notification for all who wait for their axles to be done and probably pissed because of the delay!

Here is the explanation for you guys:
I have changed the way i repair the axle cases during rebuild.
Theres a heavy corrosion spot on the axles when i get them, earlier i had much luck with them that i could get away by simply welding up some smaller rust pits and the axles were good to go afterwards. Lately the axles arrive to me have more work regarding that problem and on some axles the problem affected wheel alignment after the repair, making the axle case unusable and heading to the trash. i had to implement a way to repair the axle cases better. meanwhile i found out that theres some variety in wheel alignment in the axle cases as they come from the factory, which is not good. so we made a jig that is perfectly aligned. from now on, i will cut and replace two rust affected areas of the axle case tubing and weld them up, now aligned correctly. the result is a slightly lighter and stronger axle case, free of deformations and previous usage wear.
This is what was going on besides the car builds i do, that causes some time warp. Hope you guys understand.

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